31 January, 2006

yet another new personality

Was a wee bit bored tonight and decided to revisit a couple of websites, one being 'The Little Penguin' (see links). They've updated the personality test (or I just don't remember the questions from before). Alas, I have a new personality, I am no longer the alluring Chardonnay, I am now Pinot Noir. Very confusing. I still think I would be Riesling but tlp doesn't make one yet...this thought led to my next question...
I wondered - am I Pinot Noir because I really am Pinot Noir or am I Pinot Noir because that is the newest varietal launched? Wasn't that curious and didn't bother to retake the quiz and answer differently to test hypothesis.
I am curious as to what responses other people get, so daring readers jump on the link, take the test and blog me back your personality.

I am going to head off to bed, cuddle up under the duvet and continue reading new wine book 'Noble Rot - A Bordeaux Wine Revolution' by William Echikson. So far the book has been fascinating. I love Bordeaux and all the personalities and histories, conflicts, takeovers, feuds and culture. And the author is stirring them together into a most interesting story. Tonight is chapter 5 - sweet injustice. When I finish the book I'll post a quick review.

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